What Is The Best Way To Whiten Your Teeth?

What Is The Best Way To Whiten Your Teeth?

TeamTeeth Whitening

Are your teeth looking a little dull lately? It is common for teeth to gradually yellow or develop stains over time. The good news is there are ways to whiten your smile. 

If you want a whiter smile but you’re not sure what is the best way to whiten your teeth, here’s an overview of the various teeth whitening options to help you make an informed decision. 

Types of Teeth Whitening Treatments 

There are a few different types of teeth whitening treatments and products, such as:

Store bought whitening products

There are a wide variety of teeth whitening products you can purchase from pharmacies or order online: 

  • Toothpaste. Whitening toothpaste contains an active ingredient that helps to whiten your teeth as you brush. 
  • Mouthwash. Whitening mouthwash contains whitening ingredients that help to remove stains as you rinse your mouth. 
  • Strips. Whitening strips can be applied to your teeth with a whitening agent that removes stains. 
  • Wands. Whitening wands are applied with a brush to your teeth to remove stains. 

Professional teeth whitening treatments

Your dentist can provide professional teeth whitening treatments: 

  • In-office whitening. Your dentist can apply a prescription strength whitening treatment to your teeth in the dental office. A protective gel or rubber guard is used to prevent irritation to your gums. A special light is used to activate the whitening agent and accelerate your results. 
  • At-home whitening. Your dentist can create a custom fit tray that you can use to apply whitening treatment at home. You’ll need to apply it on a daily basis until you reach your desired shade of white. Results may take up to 2 weeks. 

Professional vs Store Bought Whitening Treatments 

If you’re trying to decide which whitening treatment to try, here are the pros and cons to consider: 

Pros of Professional Whitening Treatment:

  • Dramatic, noticeable results.  
  • May take only one treatment. 
  • Won’t cause sensitivity. 

Cons of Professional Whitening Treatment: 

  • Higher upfront cost. 
  • Not available in stores. 

Pros of Store Bought Whitening Products:

  • Available in stores. 
  • Lower upfront cost. 

Cons of Store Bought Whitening Products: 

  • Not as effective as professional whitening treatments. 
  • You’ll need to keep purchasing more to achieve and maintain your results. 

To sum up the comparison between professional and store bought whitening treatments, the bottom line is that professional whitening will provide the results you want. It may cost more at first, but the results last longer than store bought products, meaning you won’t need to purchase more for a while. 

Professional whitening treatments are essentially prescription strength. That is why they can only be used with permission from your dentist. Professional whitening treatments are safe on tooth enamel and won’t cause sensitivity. Your dentist can carefully control the amount of whitening agent to apply for natural, comfortable results. 

Schedule a Consultation Today 

If you’re interested in professional teeth whitening treatment, schedule a consultation with MD Smiles today. We provide both in-office and at-home teeth whitening treatments so you can choose the best option for your lifestyle. 

Call 410-531-2690 or contact us today to learn more and schedule an appointment. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Teeth Whitening 

Why do I need to see a dentist for teeth whitening?

Before attempting to whiten your teeth, it is important to ensure that your teeth are healthy. Any restorative procedures that are needed, such as fillings, should be done first before whitening treatments can be applied. 

How long will my teeth stay white after treatment?

The results of in-office whitening treatment can last anywhere from 1-3 years. At-home whitening results may last 6 months to a year. You can keep your teeth white for longer by using an at-home touchup kit and avoiding consumption of teeth staining foods.