How Much Are Dental Implants in Columbia, MD?

TeamDental Implants

When it comes to restoring missing teeth, dental implants are the best option available. While bridges and dentures replace the visible portion of the tooth, dental implants are the only solution that also replaces the root. The result? A strong bite that allows you to eat all your favorite foods, a stable restoration that doesn’t slip or irritate your gums, and a more youthful appearance.

Even with all of these benefits, many patients have concerns regarding the cost of dental implants. We address some of the most common concerns patients have regarding the price of dental implants in the blog post below.

How much do dental implants cost in Columbia, MD?

The term "dental implants" is used for a wide range of restorations that come at a variety of different price points. 

The single-tooth dental implant is one of the most popular dental implant restorations. This restoration includes a dental implant (a small titanium post that is placed into the jawbone to replace the root of the lost tooth), the abutment that attaches to the dental implant, and the crown that is supported by the abutment. A single-tooth dental implant restoration in Columbia costs between $1000 and $5000, depending on the material you choose for your crown.

Implant-supported bridges and implant-supported dentures are two other common dental implant solutions. Because they replace multiple teeth, these are more expensive than single-tooth dental implants. The price is determined by the number of teeth being replaced and the material chosen for the restoration.

You should also take into consideration whether you'll need extractions, a sinus lift, or bone grafting prior to implant surgery. These supplementary procedures aren't necessary for all patients, but when they are, they can increase the overall cost of dental implants. The good news is that these treatments may be covered by your dental insurance.

Are dental implants worth it?

Yes, dental implants are worth the investment. Dental implants have better outcomes from a dentist's perspective—by maintaining the integrity of your jaw, you'll have a stronger bite and your existing teeth will be less likely to shift, loosen, or fall out. Dental implant restorations are extremely popular among patients, too, because they look, feel, and function more like natural teeth than bridges and dentures.

Do any dental insurance plans cover implants?

More dental insurance companies are beginning to understand the benefits of dental implants, and as a result, more plans are now covering them, at least in part. Unfortunately, dental insurance rarely covers the total cost of dental implants. Some policies may cover the crown, bridge, or denture that is attached to dental implants but not the implants themselves; others may cover the cost of dental implants if you lost your teeth since they started insuring you, or if bone loss has already occurred in the jaw.

Can dental implants be covered by medical insurance?

Yes, dental implants may be covered by medical insurance in some cases. Your medical insurance may pay at least a portion of the cost of dental implants if they are required due to congenital disorders, full mouth rehabilitation after oral cancer, or radiation treatment, for example.

Learn More About Dental Implants

If you’d like to discuss whether dental implants are an option for you, contact us today at 410-531-2690 to schedule a consultation.